We help your business hire, manage, and lead better.
Your team members want as much from you as you want from them. Where do you stand? At DCC Group LLC (DCC), we help you and your business stand out in your in your local market or your business landscape through customized human resources practices that fit you. While others focus on “conventional” leadership, talent management, and culture-building programs that want you to fit the mold or follow the model, we target what works on a granular level for you. Every day. Every interaction. Find out how we can help you stand out.
DCC was started by a corporate HR executive who wanted to focus on getting things done with and for people that often bucked conventional thinking. We know there are a dizzying array of programs and practitioners who present warmed-over versions of existing ineffective, “me too” programs, policies, and advice that just never seem to be the bridge from where things are to where you want them to be. If you’re ready to build and cross better bridges, contact our organization. We can help you get better. Now.
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Are you looking as an individual or a leader of others ready to take the next step for yourself? We offer one-on-one development for individuals and leader-driven, team-based programs.